Underdog 40,000

The stir of infected winds howled as the Space Marine labored through the trenches. Once a place of deafening destruction and incessant frenzy was now hollow with mumbled groans and subdued anguish. The marine’s armor sunk deep into the blackened mud as he kneeled beside one of his comrades. The stricken soldier was immobile, albeit the frequent shudders of mind-numbing pain, often progressing into convulsions of indescribable agony. The fallen soldier’s skin was translucent and pale, as fragile as dead, soiled leaves. His body was covered with pockets of sunken yellowed sores. His milk-white eyes rolled restlessly as he clung to life until his labored breath came to an abrupt standstill. 

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Underdog 40,000

Doubt. Remorse. Fear. These emotions are held back through relentless training and devotion to the Imperium. But in a soldier’s final breaths, the dam they built can come crashing down, flooding their minds with despair. These brief moments of anguish perpetuate into an eternity of torment as the Sea of Chaos sweeps away their souls into the WoRP. Once a peaceful realm, millennia of war and evil have corrupted the WoRP dimension into a hellish landscape, with each new resident being more vile than the previous.

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Underdog Drafts

The Allied evacuation of Dunkirk during WWII, King Leonidas’ Spartans at the Hot Gates, and the army of Rohan at the Battle of Helm’s Deep… these moments in history are a lazy Sunday afternoon compared to the odds faced in Underdog tournaments. In a Best Ball Mania IV contest that features 677,376 entrants on the battlefield, the only chance for survival is the most rigorous commitment to a tempered strategy. 

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Underdog Drafts

It’s after midnight on a warm August night when you put on your sleep cap and you’re ready to start counting sheep. But before it fades to black your peace is spoiled by a rude messenger. It’s an urgent push notification from Underdog saying “You’re on the clock!.” You have 10 hours to make your selection, but since you want to sleep-in until noon it’s now or never. Justin Fields has fallen five spots past his ADP and you already have DJ Moore rostered at WR. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.

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